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Publication 7277. Every military action upon the part of
the United States since the end of WW II has served to
erode United States sovereignty and to increase the
military power of the UN. This includes Korea, Vietnam,
the Gulf War, and Somalia.
Will the reality of an all powerful UN Army mean
"peace" for the world? All recorded human experience of
The Secret Side of History
past ages answers with a resounding, "No!" In his well
documented book Global Tyranny. . . Step By Step: The
United Nations and the Emerging New World Order
William F. Jasper refers to a study done by Professor R.
J. Rummel about the human cost of 20th century
totalitarianism. Dr. Rummel's investigation proved that,
during the 20th century, and independent of war, all
powerful governments have murdered over 119,000,000
of their own people. By comparison, the number killed
on the battle field numbered approximately 35,000,000.
This means that the total killed by governments in cold
blood was almost four times that of war. William Jasper
quotes Dr. Rummel as stating:
Absolutist governments ... are not only many times
deadlier than war, but are themselves the major factor
causing war and other forms of violent conflict. They are
a major cause of militarism. Indeed, absolut5sm, not war,
is mankind's deadliest scourge of all.
The United Nations is not about "Peace and World
Brotherhood." It is about war. If the War-makers are
able to obtain a monopoly over military power, then,
"nothing will be restrained from them, which they have
imagined to do." This danger to mankind was one of the
reasons that the builders of the Tower of Babel were
stopped in chapter eleven of Genesis.
It is certain that a New World Order under the United
Nations would mean the suppression of our God given
rights protected by the U. S. Constitution, and the
U. N. Modern Tower of Babel
murder of millions of Americans by a Communist style
Having deceived much of the world, especially the
American people, into believing that Communism is dead
and that we can now live in peace and brotherhood, the
Master Conspiracy behind the New World Order is now
moving rapidly toward establishing an overt world
dictatorship by way of an all powerful United Nations.
Because of numerous acts of treason upon the part of
our leaders, the United Nations is now able to wage war
around the world. These wars, in the name of peace,
have already resulted in the killing of hundreds of
thousands of innocent human beings. The greatest
support for these wars has come from the United States,
resulting in America rapidly becoming the most hated
nation in the world.
It was never the intention of our Founding Fathers that
we interfere in the affairs of other nations. George
Washington especially warned against this. There is no
place in the Constitution that gives anyone but Congress
the authority to declare war against any nation. There is
certainly no legal authority for a group of power-mad
megalomaniacs to make the U. S. an international
aggressor in order to create a New World Order.
The Master Conspiracy behind the New World Order
is also using a more subtle means to conquer the world.
This method is what some have referred to as the "treaty
trap." It is just as deadly as war. It employs the age-old
revolutionary scheme of creating a crisis and then
The Secret Side of History
offering a solution. The supposed crisis is man's
destruction of the environment. The proposed solution is
total control of the planet by the United Nations.
A giant step in this direction began in June of 1992,
when between 20,000 to 30,000 participants from 178
nations attended the United Nations Conference on
Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil. The overall goal of the conference was to
"Save the Planet."
By what means they intend to do this was pointed out
by the late Dixy Lee Ray, former member of the Atomic
Energy Commission, assistant secretary of state in the U.
S. Bureau of Oceans, and long-time member of the
zoology faculty at the University of Washington. In her
book Environmental Overkill: Whatever Happened To
Common Sense? she stated:
The objective, clearly enunciated by the leaders of
UNCED, is to bring about a change in the present
system of independent nations. The future is to be world
government, with central planning by the UN. Fear of
environmental crises, whether real or not, is expected to
lead to compliance. If force is needed, it will be provided
by a UN green-helmeted police force, already authorized
by the Security Council.6
Out of this conference came the Global Climate
Change Treaty which was signed by President Bush and
ratified by the U. S. Senate on October 15, 1992. This
United Nations treaty, moving us closer to world
U. N. Modern Tower of Babel
government, was based upon the theory of global
warming. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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