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follows its own like, as appears by this Example. Put a piece of pure and fine Bread in a dish full of Water,
so as the Bread may swim upon the Water, hold a piece of true Unicorns-Horn close to it, yet so as it touch
it not; and if you leisurely move the Unicorns-Horn the little piece of Bread will follow it. Nature so much
loves its own like, and so much hates what is unlike itself, as this flies and that follows. Therefore let our
Doctors consider, that Venom by a certain Magnetick Power Attracts Venom, and those things which are
void of Venom, do in like manner draw to themselves things pure, and wanting a Venomous quality.
Therefore Venom may be taken away two ways; first, by its Contrary, which resists Venom, as already is
related of the Unicorns-Horn. Secondly,by Like, when Venom by a certain Magnetick power draws Venom
to itself. But the Venom which must heal Venom like itself, ought first to be so prepared, as its Venom may
pass into Medicine, and by its own attractive virtue, assume the other to and expel it with itself.
[EXAMPLE OF SOAP] Of which thing you have a most clear Example of Soap: That is compounded of
Oil and other fat ingredient Matters, which seem to be, and in very deed are, more apt to foul, than cleanse
Linen; but because in the Boiling of Soap, especially by the help of Salt, a certain Separation and
Preparation is made, the Soap is rendered most apt to draw to itself and wash out all foulness and filths from
Linen and other things: so indeed may Venom in a certain manner, by Antecedent Preparation be
accommodated so, as to be no more Venom, but a Medicament, it draws to itself all other Poison, casts it
out, and restores the man to his pristine Purity and Health.
Now since our Discourse hath led us so far, and we have begun to open Nature so much; that the truly
Studious of Medicine (though hitherto ignorant of this) may clearly know, what Good or Evil is latent in
Nature, what is Venom and what is harmless; which is a thing hath not as yet been found out by Doctors, by
reason of their own supine negligence; and that the Truth thereof may be demonstrated and also confirmed,
it will not be amiss to produce certain Experimental Examples, which may discover the Truth, and refute the
false Opinions of others. [EXAMPLE OF AN EGG] Put an Egg, which in the Winter is congealed with
Cold, into very cold Water, there let it lie for a due space of time, and the Ice will externally adhere to the
Egg-shell, but the Cold be extracted from the Egg itself, and restored to its pristine vigour and intireness.
[EXAMPLE OF A MEMBER BENUMMED] Again, if any Member be benummed with Cold, let not the
Patient neglect himself, but apply cold Snowwater round about, so one Cold attracts the other, and the
Member is restored. [EXAMPLE OF A MEMBER INFLAMED] On the contrary, if any one have a
Member inflamed, let him apply to that Inflammation an hot Matter; as for example, Spirit of Wine, which
is mere Fire, or the Quintessence of Sulphur, and he will in very deed find, that Heat is attracted by Heat, in
Triumphal Chariot Page 17
a certain Magnetick manner, and like to rejoice in like, and not only to asswage the pain and heat of the
inflamed Member, but absolutely to restore the same to its pristine strength.
26. [EXAMPLE OF FROGSPAWN] Yet lest this our purpose should not be fully enough confirmed by
Examples, I will also add another, by way of Supplement. Take Frog-Spawn in the Month of March, and
laying it on a Board dry it in the Sun, when dry reduce it to Powder, and strew of this Powder, upon wounds
made by Venomous Vipers or Serpents; by this means such Wounds will be so prepared, as they may be
perfectly healed by other Medicaments applied thereunto. Or otherwise, if Linen cloths be often moistened
in Frog-Spawn, and as often dried, and that Linen cut into small pieces and applied to Wounds, they effect
the same, as the aforesaid Powder would have done. [EXAMPLE OF A TOAD] But that the very
foundation of this Truth may more clearly be declared; take a venemous Toad, dry him in the Sun, shut him
up in an Earth closed Pot, and by burning reduce him to Ashes; then having taken out the Ashes, and
reduced the same to Powder apply of that Powder to a Wound made by Venom, and this Poison attracts the
other Poison, and joins it with itself. Why so, I pray? Because by this Burning, which is the Calcination of
the Toad, its interior Virtue is made manifest, and efficacious for operating; so, that Like can attract like,
and especially Venom, to itself. Therefore firmly perswade yourself, that this Truth is infallible and
immuatable, which I have here proposed to you and others by Example. If anyone afflicted with the Pest, do
diligently observe this, he will find the Truth of those things I have here above mentioned: the Astrum of
Sol, from which (as from an operative and all vivifying Sun) all things in their kinds universally arise;
therefore I determine that in the potency of Gold, more than in all other Things, is an Operating Nature; that
is, in its own Astrum, whence both itself, and all Metals and Minerals, in the Beginning, received their first
Nativity and Propagation of Generation. Touching which more may be said, when I shall manifest to you
the Astrum of Sol, and commend the same most religiously to your Conscience.
After the same manner process is to be made with Antimony, which hath the same Operations with corporal
Gold; yet of the Astrum thereof I now speak not. [ANTIMONY SPEAKS OF ITSELF] For I know (saith
Antimony) it behoves me, before that, to fear and tremble; although in many principal Arcanums of
Medicine, I far excel it; yet universally I am able to effect none of those Things, which the Astrum of Sol
(confirmed by the Testimony of Celestial Verity) is able to produce. The Astrum of Mercury I omit, because
I my self have my descent from the same Original with it: but as to a Celestial penetrating power of
Operating, I give the first place of Dominion to the Astrum of Sol.
My Writings and Books, composed by Experience, properly follow and answer each to other; as one metal [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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